Musings from the tailor shop
Quiet Traveler
I’m an introvert. There, I’ve said it. (If you know me, this will come as no surprise.) Introversion affects the way I travel, I've noticed lately. Turns out I’ve adapted to suit my social inclinations. On the other hand, I suspect many extroverts do too (in an...
Where I Make the Case to Unplug under 10,000 Feet
I’m feeling a little contrary. The FAA recently relaxed most of its restrictions on the use of personal electronic devices in flight. (Voice calls remain verboten). This was good news by all accounts, with the greatest criticism being of the “it’s about time” variety....
Reading: Week of November 11, 2013
Bay Watched: How San Francisco's new entrepreneurial culture is changing the country, by Nathan Heller This week, the reading that rumbled around in my brain for days was an article, not a book, that I found via Ben Casnocha (whose blog you should read regularly, if...