Air travel

The Stranger in the Next Seat: Rock-Star or Bore?

The Stranger in the Next Seat: Rock-Star or Bore?

Last week I sat in the San Francisco Chinese consulate office amid a large crowd, and I did something unusual. I asked the man next to me a question. Serendipity struck: He was a United Airlines flight attendant and I was there on United business, too, for an upcoming...

How to Get on the Inside Track

Love it or hate it, the fact is that there’s lots of valuable information shared on social media. Check out my post on to learn about five social media groups for the ultra-connected business traveler. Photo credit: (Flickr/Jason Howie)

Nature’s Crucible and the Quest

Nature’s Crucible and the Quest

Quests are in fashion. Tough Mudders. Ironmans. Mt. Everest. The Appalachian Trail. Running a marathon in every state. It seems more and more of us are using our travel and leisure time to test our limits--our physical and mental toughness--with outdoor quests....