Reading: Week of October 7, 2013

Running with the Mind of Meditation by Sakyong Mipham Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche came across my radar recently via an interview on The Good Life Project. The leader of Shambhala (a community of meditation retreat centers) and a meditation teacher, he is also an avid...

Blowing apart ground transportation

Last week at Executive Travel, we were planning our 2014 editorial calendar. I fought hard for one particular issue theme that was not well received: ground transportation. OK, I get that on the surface it sounds like a yawner. But it does strike me that a big change...

Reading: Week of September 16, 2013

Total Leadership, by Stewart D. Friedman One of the happy surprises of the Global Business Travel Association convention for me was a seminar called Total Leadership. I attended begrudgingly because a colleague had arranged for us to meet with the presenter, Stew...

How hotel soap can change lives

I’m one to wonder how things work when I travel.  Shawn Seipler is, too. Four years ago, he had a simple question, as he hung out in his hotel room after a day of meetings: “What happens to my used soap?” He noticed that soap is hardly depleted after...

Southwest Airlines puts civility back into boarding

In the last month, I have had occasion to fly Southwest eight times, unusual because I have always disliked WN and do everything in my power to avoid it. My distaste, I recently realized, has been based primarily on open seating. Everyone has their airline hot button,...