Reading: Week of September 2, 2013

Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success, by Phil Jackson I was strangely drawn to this book, despite having minimal interest in the game of basketball. But Phil Jackson’s quirky approach to weaving his personal Eastern sensibilities and meditation practice into the...

Laptop parade

This week I spent some time on an oddly positioned treadmill in a hotel fitness center. Strangely, the room was just off the lobby and the treadmill faced out to the front desk. So I spent my workout watching the comings and goings in the lobby. (Literally!) The...

Reading: Week of August 12, 2013

Fall of the Giants, by Ken Follett A friend of mine who is a Boeing marketing executive recommended this book to me. At 1,000 pages in hardback, it’s a brick (and a half). My friend, who travels more than anyone I know as he visits Boeing’s airline...

Should Hotel Personnel Be Fully “Present”?

In the last month I have stayed in a wide range of hotels–including a five-star resort, a four-star business hotel, a three-star big box new brand, and another that could only be described as a flashback to the ’80s (maybe no stars?). In each case I...

Seat 12C 1/2

This week I attended the Global Business Travel Association conventionĀ in San Diego, and one novel topic intrigued me: the opportunity to sell half-seats on planes. I had never heard this argument, so let me explain. The topic was presented in light of a growing...