5 New Hong Kong Hotels and Guestroom Envy

Touring business hotels can be a challenge to the quest for contentment: I tend to suffer from guestroom envy. (Sometimes, though, it’s spa envy…or lobby envy…or, well, you get the idea.) My day touring five new hotels in Hong Kong was no exception....

When Small Airports Aim High – and Afar

Small airports can be a pleasure to fly from. Easy parking. Walkable concourses. Few delays. But behind the scenes and on the balance sheet, they have some economic challenges. It was through this lens that I read about South Bend Regional Airport in Indiana changing...

When You Think of Bitter, Who Comes to Mind?

Seth Godin wrote a powerful post today on generosity. And I wasn’t surprised that the single example he used to illustrate the opposite of generosity was airlines. And the killer of generosity is bitterness. You may have noticed while traveling on airlines like...

How an Airport Coat Check Could Make My Trip Better, Too

I remember (from my Chicago days) the wonderful feeling of getting off a plane in a tropical destination, having departed just hours earlier from sub-zero temperatures. Except for one thing: It’s a drag to lug a winter coat in paradise. This week Harriet Baskas wrote...

Keep Your Shoes On and Carry On

A few weeks ago I noticed an ad on the Transportation Security Administration website, tsa.gov. “Want to keep your shoes on? TSA PreCheck,” it says, alongside an image a woman in red shoes (or at least her bottom half). Another ad for signups says, “Keep those shoes...