My Favorite Seat Innovation

Airplane seat design is finally getting some out-of-the-box thinking. I don’t mean flatter lie-flat seats; I mean completely re-imagining coach seats so they are more passenger-friendly, versatile and light-weight. Unfortunately, much of this is speculative thinking,...

How – and Why – to Choose a “Fast” Hotel

Travel tip: When speed matters, choose a hotel with self-service, convenient parking and quick breakfast options. Even if it means sacrificing a star. I read Tyler Cowen’s blog post called “If they designed a hotel room just to please me” with...

Sobbing at 30,000 Feet

I’m sure every magazine has staff-favorite story ideas that never quite make it to print, and one we discuss at least once a year at Executive Travel is why many people seem to experience heightened emotions while up in the air. This week I came across the story I...

Reading: Week of December 30, 2013

In the last couple weeks, I have poked around a little in genre fiction. I’ve always been a literary fiction gal, but there’s such an explosion going on in the genres that I wanted to see what’s up. Time to stop being a book snob and check it out (literally, at my...

Hotel Solution: One Way to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Travel tip: There’s a simple tool in your hotel room that will close up that irritating gap between the drapes. Have you ever noticed that hotel room drapes seem universally unwilling to close fully, so that there almost always is a gap between each side....