Fun with Virgin

How important is fun to your hotel stay? Yesterday I attended the much-anticipated opening of the first Virgin Hotel, in Chicago, and the operative word for both the event and the property is fun. As you would expect from any Virgin brand, cheekiness abounds and the...

Tipping 2.0: What to Do When a Tip Is Tricky

Have you ever had tipping shame? I define this as a situation in which you had good intentions but because of a lack of knowledge or resources you did not leave an appropriate tip—and regret it? I have. Check out my recent post on where I confess to...
The Trip to Nowhere

The Trip to Nowhere

There are many good reasons to get on a plane or pack up the car. But travel writer Pico Iyer makes an ironic case for not. His The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere, is a tiny book I read in one sitting this weekend, and it gave me pause. Quite literally....

Travel Tip: Build a Time-Pocket Habit

On each flight, a business traveler jots an entry into his journal while he waits for the plane to finish boarding. A mother gets her two kids ready for day care 10 minutes before they need to get in the car each morning, so all three can play together for those 10...

Conflict Resolution: What I Did Not Find

I’m taking a short time-out from business travel today to write about two books I read recently and found particularly insightful, with much overlap. Both promise to help with conflict resolution and problem-solving. Sign me up. I dislike conflict, but I’m pretty...