How to Travel Like a Caveman

Cavemen can become nervous on airplanes or at a power lunch—the Mediterranean snack box and pumpkin ravioli in cream sauce simply will not do. In case you’re living under (or behind) a rock, the caveman diet (aka paleo) means eating as our Paleolithic ancestors...

Dining Alone: Getting Past the Discomfort

Here’s a picture I never thought I’d see: me, alone, at a nice restaurant, happy. By this I mean really alone. Without a book or device. Dining alone is almost a sport for me because of the challenge it presents. As a major introvert, I can assure you that...

Your New Best Friend on the Road: Bizly

Have you ever been in another city and needed to meet up with a colleague…but where? Location is key–it has to be close to your next meeting. And you need something with a little more class and panache than Starbucks, a place where you can find a quiet...
The Covert Stress of Reentry

The Covert Stress of Reentry

One of the biggest pain points for frequent travelers doesn’t even happen on the road, but at home. It’s that window between when your body walks in the door after a trip, and when your mind and heart settle in. You made it home—that’s the good news. But chances are,...

The Second Most Important Amenity in a Business Hotel

Beyond good Wi-Fi, preferably free, it’s all about a good cup of joe. Dare I say, nothing kicks off a day on the road more significantly than the ritual of sipping an excellent cup of coffee. The perfect roast. Well brewed. Prepared just the way you like it. I...