Hey, This Room Is Occupé

Have you ever been in a hotel room and had someone else enter (or try to) because they were assigned the room at check-in? I have, with the discomfort compounded by being in the middle of the night and the person trying to enter only speaking French. Most business...

Travel Tip: Take a Photo of Your Hotel Door

Too many hotel stays in too many weeks? Even for the most “present” business traveler, it can all become a blur. You get in the hotel elevator and rack your brain to try to recall which floor you’re on…in this hotel. Problem solved: on your...

The Great Debate Over Tipping Hotel Housekeepers

There’s some chatter this week about a Marriott initiative to encourage tipping of housekeeping staff: An envelope will be placed in rooms within Marriott-managed properties expressly for housekeeping tips. While the envelope is tasteful and has a little panache (it’s...

2 Cool Hotel Bars in Chicago and the Tip Top Tap

Chicago is one of my favorite cities and during a recent visit I saw first-hand how vibrant the hotel scene is there. Landmark favorites like The Drake and The Palmer House have survived and even thrived as grand dames, but a number of new hotels sparkle and shine....

Airbnb’s Hits and Misses

I recently test-drove Airbnb on a business trip, with mixed results. When I made plans to attend the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) annual convention in Los Angeles, the closest hotel (with availability) to the convention center was 10 miles away! So I went...