It Was Bound to Happen Eventually

When my cab pulled up to Terminal 1 at LAX on Tuesday, I cringed: The line outside Southwest Airlines’ doors snaked down the sidewalk. Bomb scare? Computer system down? Flight schedule bottleneck? I immediately made a beeline for the self-serve kiosks I knew...

The Day I Woke Up in the Echo Chamber

I just finished reading an excellent book: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. I’d highly recommend it. But a curious thing happened as I was reading. I found myself saying Yes! a lot to myself. And I began to notice that all the source...

Chengdu and Chicago?

Huh? you may wonder from the headline. Well, I’m catching up on posts about my trip on United’s inaugural flight from SFO to Chengdu, China: My piece on Chengdu and whether it compares to Chicago went up on SFGate yesterday. You can check it out here to...

Changing the World, One Speech at a Time

“The only reason to give a speech is to change the world.”* I so believe this. Earlier this year I joined Toastmasters and have loved the challenge of learning the art of effective public speaking. The meetings are a highlight of my week—like a challenging sport for...

Why I Bought Melatonin Today

Today I bought a bottle of melatonin. It’s a grape-flavored bottle of hope. Getting a good night’s sleep has become increasingly elusive for me, despite observing best practices. Add travel to the mix—including crossing the dateline a few times—and my trip to...