Dining Direction

Travel tip: How to get an insider restaurant recommendation Selecting the right restaurant in a city you’re visiting can be daunting. Make the wrong pick and you’ve wasted an opportunity to have a memorable meal someplace new. Danny Meyer, restaurateur and author of...

Reading: Thank You for Your Service

If you’ve spent even 20 seconds in the last year feeling sorry for yourself, you need to read Thank You for Your Service by David Finkel. When you put it down, you will be overwhelmed with gratitude for the ease of your life. This book follows men who have returned...

Backseat Drivers Not Welcome

I am not a nervous flyer, but every once in a while I will observe something that concerns me.  Inevitably this leads to an internal debate about whether I should second-guess the pros. After all, the pilots have wall-to-wall indicators and sensors to monitor...

Love Travel? Hate Travel?

Enter a meetup of twenty- and thirty-somethings and mingle. Begin to discuss passions and life goals over a glass of wine. In my experience, at least half the people you talk to will wax poetically about seeing the world. “I love to travel,” they say. Travel is about...

Reading: Creative Confidence

Design firm IDEO has wowed the world with applied creativity for decades. The company explains its work like this: A global design consultancy; we create impact through innovation. Now IDEO founder David Kelley and his brother and partner Tom Kelley, have written a...